Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Unknowns Project 2

9 October 2012

After finishing all of my responsibilities for this lab, I checked on my unknowns to see if anything grew. The two plates that I inoculated with samples from the 2 different pigs exhibited a large amount of growth in the two day period since their inoculation (Figs. 1-3). 

Fig. 1
Plates from Pig 1 (top) and Pig 2 (bottom)

Fig. 2
Plate from Pig 1

Fig. 3
Plate from Pig 2

From the Pig 1 plate,  I tried to isolate some of the fuzzy white colonies with dark green dots onto their own plates (Fig. 4). From the Pig 2 plate, I attempted to isolated the pink fuzzy colonies and the white fuzzy colonies onto their own plates (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4
Original plates from Pigs 1 and 2 (left, stacked) and new isolations from each original plate
(middle and right, both stacked)

I'm going to let these grow a little bit more before I attempt to identify what they are.

All for now,


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